We are beginners at this and we are taking photos in an attempt to improve our knowledge about butterflies & drafonflies. Our tentative identifications are shown in the caption. We would value advice from anyone who knows better. Ufortunately our only butterfly ID book just gives the scientific name so we are unable to add a common name for those we are unfamiliar with - any help appreciated with this too.
Russia - W Siberia to Ukraine border (posted 16 Sep)
A few more from NW Mongolia (posted 14 Sep)
Altai-Khovd (W Mongolia), early August (posted 16 Aug)
As we travelled further west there were increasing numbers of ponds, lakes, rivers and streams and although we haven't seen many butterflies there were suddenly lots of dragonflies and damselflies:
UB to Altai, late July (posted 16 Aug)
We saw very few butterflies and no dragonflies in this area generally - it is pretty dry - the following were all taken on two mountain walks:
West of Ulaan Baatar (posted 17 July)
This type of Ringlet seems to love coming and checking us and the vehicle out - easy to photograph as it settles a long time - as on our towel here |
This butterfly, and the one below, always settled on rocky areas were they were well camouflaged and difficult to find once they had landed |
A rather ragged Blue but they always seem very photogenic |
Northern Mongolia (posted 6 July)
The Black-veined whites? seem to have an orange tinge here |
Type of Clouded Yellow |
Lake Baikal area
When we were at the Naurzum reserve in Kazakhstan we were told that there was a plague of this butterfly Aporia cragaegi - probably called something like Black-veined White in the UK where according to our guide book it is now extinct. It was also referred to as vermin as it destroys the crops there. By the time we left Kazakhstan it was noticably down in numbers as the season progressed. Now we have come north to Siberia though it is now early in its season again and it is much more obviously plague numbers here. Driving along, particularly early in this leg the roadsides, lorry fronts, flowers, you name it, were covered in them. Amazing to think we struggled to get a photo of one the first time we saw it.
The last couple of weeks various different Ringlet type butterflies have appeared:
And a few other new sightings:
Limenitis populi, E of Moshkovo, W Siberia (above & below) |
Skipper sp (above & below) |
And finally a Dragonfly which isn't a Four-spotted Chaser, a Damselfy which isn't aCrescent Bluets and a Demoiselle
Erythromma sp (think Najas)/ (Large) Redeye |
These Whitefaces (all Ruby type I think) seemed to like settling on anything pale in colour from this old bit of material,to scraps of paper & plastic, birch tree bark and rocks. The yellow one is female and the red one male |
Karkaraly area, Kazahstan (early June)
Yet another Four-spot - by far the most common dragonfly we have seen so far |
Think this is a Green-eyed Hawker (Aeshna isoceles) - also known as a Norfolk Hawker as that's the only place it occurs in the UK (also below) |
More of a Four-spot |
Crescent Bluet (Coenagrion lunulatum) - the most common damselfly we have seen so far |
We can't identify this one |
Peacock (inachis io) |
Euphydryas aurinia sareptensis |
Blues everywhere! |
Colias sp |
Coenonympha amaryllis - suddenly lots of these around |
Pseudochazara hippolyte |
Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) |
Naurzum, Kazakhstan (late May)
Aporia crataegi - suddenly starting to lose their colour |
Another Four-spot but slightly different this time - spot the difference! |
Pics from NW Kazakhstan (mid May)

Pics from western Kazakhstan (early-mid May)
BDSC_0497 Pontia edusa, Maqat |
Melitaea sp? Muqat |
BDSC_0561 Thymelicos sylvestris, Muqir |
BDSC_0566 Plebeius pylaon sephirus, Muqir - and below |
BDSC_0663-Polyommatus sp, near Nogayti - also next pic |
BDSC_0673-Lycaena thersamon, near Nogayti (also next two pics) |
Pictures from eastern Ukraine and Russia (late April/early May)
Pyrgus malve? |
Comma Polygonia c-album |
Orange Tip Anthochharis cardamines |
Carcharodus alceae? |
Polyommatis agestis? |
Melitaea sp. Also next picture. |
Tiger moth species unknown |
Polyommatus bellargus? |
Downy Emerald Cordulia aenea ? (And next picture) |
Four spotted chaser Libellula quadrimaculata (f. prenuela) (and next picture) |
The following pictures were taken in west central Ukraine (late April)
Arashina levana (this and next photo |
Green-veined White Pieris nape |
Peacock Inachis io |
Painted Lady Vanessa caduei |