26 August 2012

18-26 August: To the border and into Russia

Not sure whether this heap of bones was the leftovers of a Mongolian barbecue or the skulls rejected as a vehicle figurehead by a rally car

A couple of lads who turned up at our penultimate camp iin Mongolia and brought us some mushrooms

Carol survives -6 deg C

A frosty night - time to go!

Not sure whether it was the sudden drop in temperatures or part of a pre-determined plan but the day after our big freeze all the herds in the valley were moving down hill and gers were being packed up on lorries and moved nearer to the town. See also next 3 pictures.

The border  post and village at Tsagaannuur, and our last Mongolia camp.

The picturesque setting for the Russian border post at Tashanta, but oh dear how painfully slow it was to get through.  We were pleased to be back on asphalt roads.

A campsite of our dreams - the main range of the Russian Altai

The sun did not always shine though

We thought this sort of monument was mainly of the Soviet era - but this one was still under construction

A couple of babushkas gossip in the village bus stop

Typical Altai province village

The Alps of central Asia - the Altai province is very scenic, one of the USSRs best kept secrets - see following picutres

We did not try crossing this bridge!

Road hazard - Altai style

We fiind a real organised campsite and had to try it


  1. Aimee (MissyAtko)27 August 2012 at 08:29

    My goodness that bridge! Thanks for sharing your travels, we're really enjoying them. Aimee

  2. Sounds like the weather is preparing you for back home, those blue skies are deceptive.

    Would you believe we've had a couple of nights in August where it dropped to 3 deg, then there were those few days of actual Summer when it was 16 deg by night. But that's the UK for you.

    Happy travels and take care.

    B x

  3. Hi Carol and Mike

    Just coming up for air after a deluge of summer visitors and other distractions and catching up with your blog. So sorry to hear about your technical problems with the tab but glad to see that you were able to overcome them. You must have felt at times during the trip that you were on the surface of the moon and hoping that the spaceship would remain intact.

    Wonderful pix as ever. I love the view of the Russian border - and Carol snuggled down. That temperature would see me off. Hope it will warm up as you make your way west. We're hoping for an Indian summer here !

    Hope all will be plain sailing now and that you will get some nourishing food along the way.

    Keep well and lots of love

    Beth and John
